the views expressed in this blog are purely that of the author....any insult, pun , double meaning or leg-pulling of any person, thing or organisation is purely intentional and not at all co-incidental.
Read at your own risk.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

In retrospection (Feelings- Default, Sarcasm- File not found, Humour- Error)

I remember when I wrote my first post of this blog. I was utterly frustrated and was looking for a way to vent out my feelings and express my views with a touch of creativity. I was also looking for a platform where I could express my views on various issues and expected my readers (no matter how few) to express theirs.

When I started off, I made it a point to keep my blog a little different from the rest. I tried my best to pen down my experiences and views in a rather funny and interesting way(atleast I would like to believe so).After my first post I forced (by insisting regularly) many of my friends,colleagues and relatives to post their comments. Although the general perception seemed to be a good one (but I am still not sure whether all the praise was for my writing or a personal liking for me influenced it) but I had decided to experiment with my style of expressing my views and the result were a few average posts after the first  post. But I decided to experiment a bit further by trying to present a vulgar story in a humorous way and I failed miserably. Not only was the writing cheap and vulgar but it was something I was ashamed of. Not many of you may have read it as I deleted the post pretty soon.
I carried out all this experimentation because I thought that if my kept changing my style with each attempt, may be I would be able to break the "niche" barrier,i.e, to rise above ones tried and tested formula and be truly global. But with every post  I  learnt a lot about how to tell a story (we all have stories of our own.....what matters is to tell them well ) and what I realised is that every good story-teller has a unique style(call it "Tashan" if you like) and those who dont are the ones who get lost to obscurity. To stand out among the rest you need to re-define your goals, defy limitations and yet hold on to that special "uniqueness" that made you "unique" in the first place.

Day before yesterday I was very busy working at office, so much so that my other colleagues enquired if my boss had threatened to fire me bcoz they had always seen me busy "Hardly Working", now the sudden disappearance of the "ly" made them uneasy. Nevertheless, after showing much dedication and diligence I decided to call it a day and on my way back just dropped by at an Oxford Book Store. Going through some of the books I found many pretty interesting books but something strange struck me. Right after the success of Five point Someone there has been a huge surge of books that talk about campus life, I mean some are really good but some are utter non-sense. Why on earth would a publisher even consider to release such rubbish manuscripts to the public, they are no less than WMD. Without sounding disrespectful I must say they r awesome.....oops sorry gross error...actually its awful.
By the way, after the good response to my first post I thought about writing about my experiences about campus life....but I now fear that I might add another pathetic work to the already existent ones.
I am not a good judge of my own writing but you are. At times I would contemplate whether to use bombastic and ornamental words and increase my vocab just to make writing more florid, more expressive, more showy, more vibrant and more verbose. But I realised that all throughout my life I have believed in simplicity, simple words put in simple places conveying simple ideas is what I would enjoy as a reader. So, instead of playing with the use of  difficult words I decided to play with the placement words and thereby altering the meaning they conveyed. I tried to use wry humour, teasing sarcasm, naughty double-meaning pun and the subtle anecdotes of "Non-veg" stuff to make my stories more bearable (although I admit they take their toll on you once you have read quite a few).

How have i faired in my attempt so far is for you to decide. I am on a learning curve and your inputs and feedback are important for me to analyse myself. After all everyone blogs nowadays, whether I am any different or "just another blogger"...I need your frank opinion on that. So, now that you have wasted so much of ur precious time reading this non-sense, plz (for God's sake) post ur sincere and candid comments.
Note: Kindly also share with me, in your opinion, what does the title of this post mean??????

Looking forward to hear from you............and soon there will be some "Different" posts...which I hope you might like.
Keep your comments coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!